GRC Team - Mar 2022 Newsletter


Athlete Feature: Caitlin Yul

Atlanta, GA

How did you become a runner?

I slowly progressed from run-walking, to running 2-3 miles at a time in 2013. The 2015 Peachtree Road Race was my first 10k and I knew I wanted to run higher mileage and longer races. In 2016 I joined Team Get Running and I’ve been progressing ever since.

What does a typical training day look like for you?

I go for my long run late Sunday mornings and all other runs happen after work.

You just nailed a PR (Congrats!!) Tell us about your journey to get there.

Thank you! I’m on a quest to run a half marathon in each state and Maryland was #23! The drive to get there and back to Atlanta in a weekend was challenging and that DC traffic was brutal! The mundane, daily details remained the same. Fuel, hydrate, sleep, repeat. I finally had my blood work tested and I started supplementing Iron vitamin D and Magnesium. Each training block has had a different focus and each race has been vastly different. I try to at least get in the mileage each week and if I need to switch days, I will. For this race, I went into it with no expectations or plan. I focused on each mile that I was in and never looked at my overall time.

What's your proudest running moment?

I’m quite proud of this most recent half. So many moving parts have to come together for longer races to succeed and I finally had that opportunity! The weather was cool, I didn’t develop any weird foot injuries or get sick, and I got a solid chunk of high mileage training beforehand. It all came together. I hit my 5k pace twice during the race and was still able to keep going without drastically slowing down.

What's next on your race calendar?

Pittsburgh Half Marathon May 1st! Indianapolis Marathon November 5th!

What's your "why" when it comes to the daily grind?

I don’t struggle often with finding the motivation to get out the door and run, I I simply go after work each day and the time alone helps me clear my mind before heading home. It feels off when I don’t run, as though I’ve missed part of my daily routine, like forgetting to brush my teeth. I do imagine winning a big race one day or even starting in an elite wave. I just want to keep improving and whittling down my times.

What advice would you like to share with the Get Running team?

Progress can be slow, but don’t lose patience! Breakthroughs come when you least expect it. Don’t fall into the comparison trap. Your routine, body, life, etc is all unique, so do what is best for yourself even if it means taking that extra rest day or running your easy miles extra slow.

You can follow Caitlin on IG @caitlinkeepsrunning

Team Race Recap


  • Moncef A - 2:53 at the SoCal Marathon (PR)

  • Taylor B - 3:40

  • Heather C - 3:53 at the Woodlands Marathon

  • Alexis S - 3:29 (PR)

  • Michael E - 3:29 at the Shamrock Marathon (PR)

  • Nicole G - 3:39 at the Napa Marathon

Half Marathons

  • Tracy L - 1:36 at the Woodlands Half

  • May S - 1:32 at the Woodlands Half

  • Ali L - 1:34 at the Chambersburg Half

  • Mike F - 1:29 at the HM Masters Champs

  • Alli F - 1:43 at the NYC Half

  • Julie H - 1:21 at the NYC Half

  • Caitlin Y - 1:42 (PR)

  • Elizabeth H - 1:22

  • Heather D - 1:30 (no pain!)

  • Amanda M - 1:42

  • Mariah G - 1:18


  • Lauren F (5K) - 16:52

  • Nicole S (3mi) - 19:58

  • Lauren F (Steeplechase) - 11:16 (WON!)

  • Ashley M (8K) - 35:04

  • Murray B (11.2mi) - 2:05

  • Oriana M (5mi) - 37:26

Team Announcements


Team Singlets

We’re in the process of creating some Lululemon singlets that will be available for pre-order. Keep your eyes open for an order form!